Discover Polish Bahamas- Visit Wild Pigs Beach In Krynica Morska!

While you must have heard of the famous pigs in the Bahamas, I bet you had no idea that there is a similar place to this… in Poland! The tiny village on the Baltic Sea coast called Krynica Morska is where people and wild pigs are living together like friends.

In the verano, the village turns into a resort. Some tourists may rub their eyes with amazement when they spot the family of wild pigs joining them on the beach.

The view like this is not special. You can walk with boars in the middle of the town, you can spot them in the forest, or on the seashore. They are literally everywhere, not afraid of people.

Is It Safe To Swim With Wild Pigs In Poland?

Polish Bahamas- Visit Wild Pigs Beach In Krynica Morska

Well, you can’t really swim with them, as they usually stay on the land. You can see them taking long walks on the beach though.

YES, it’s safe to stay close to boars in Krynica Morska.

They are not aggressive at all. You need to be careful if you are there with your pets though. There are some documented cases in Krynica Morska where wild pigs attacked the dogs.

The local authorities released official advice on what to do when you meet the boars:

  1. Don’t Feed Them.
  2. Don’t Come Too Close, Don’t Pet Them.
  3. Don’t Run or Scream.
  4. Stay Calm.
  5. Be Extra Cautious When You See Mommy Pig With Piglets.
  6. If You Are With A Dog, Keep It Close.

Why so many rules?

At the end of the day, the boars are wild animals. Even though they are friendly, their behavior can be quite unpredictable.

Most tourists don’t follow any of these rules, they are playing with boars and feeding them. It’s not officially recommended though.

Why There Are So Many Wild Pigs In Krynica Morska?

pigs on the beach poland

It’s not clear why boars love Krynica Morska beach so much. Here are some of the reasons:

1. The Population Of Wild Pigs In Poland Is Increasing.

The boars are simply looking for the food, that’s why they decided to leave the forest.

2. Tourists Feed The Wild Pigs.

They learned that searching for the food in the bin or approaching the people is an easy way to appease their hunger.

3. Tourists Are Friendly To The Boars.

They don’t think people are their enemies, that’s why they are not afraid to leave the forest in search of the food.

My Personal Experience With Meeting Wild Pigs In Krynica Morska

Polish Bahamas- Visit Wild Pigs Beach In Krynica Morska

Boy, I was so scared!

While other tourists were coming close and feeding the boars, I just kept my distance. These animales are huge and I thought that observing them from my beach towel is better than walking towards them with the food.

The wild pigs really seemed friendly though. They wanted to be fed, they didn’t mind the group of people surrounding them at all.

Tips For Visiting Polish Bahamas

feeding boars on the beach poland

1. The longer you stay, the greater the chance you will spot the wild pigs.

If you are in Krynica Morska for a week, you can be 100% certain you will spot the boars. However, one day in the Polish Bahamas may not be enough to see the wild pigs.

They are in the town every day, however, they are appearing in the different parts of it. So while you are on the beach, waiting for them, they may go to the town center.

2. No matter if you see the wild pigs or not, it’s still worth to visit Krynica Morska.

The long, white sand beach in the town is really amazing!

There are bars and restaurantes open in the summer, so you can spend there a pretty amazing holiday.

How To Get To Krynica Morska?

The town is located just 1-hour drive from Gdansk, a city with an international airport.

If you are traveling from Varsovia, it will take about 4 hours to get to the town.

The absolute best way is to alquilar un coche.

There are no direct trains to Krynica Morska, however, if you prefer to use public transport, you can take a bus. Plan your trip with e-podroznik.

Guárdalo para más tarde:

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