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Best Spots For Skiing In Zakopane + Tips

Nestled under the breathtaking Tatra Mountains in southern Poland, Zakopane is a winter wonderland that attracts snow enthusiasts from all over the world. This town,

What NOT To Do In Poland?

Have you ever wondered what behavior is unaccepted in culture? You know what I mean, those gestures that are neutral in one country, but in

Things To Do In Kraków In December

Kraków, the most frequently visited city in Poland, is always charming and beautiful. But in winter it changes, into a fairy tale. The medieval castle

Tips For Visiting Bochnia Salt Mine

Nestled beneath the picturesque town of Bochnia in Poland, near Krakow, lies a hidden gem that is unique and unforgettable. It is Bochnia Salt Mine.

Guía completa de Internet en Polonia

Polonia, con su rica historia, impresionantes paisajes y vibrante cultura, es un destino que atrae a viajeros de todo el mundo. Tanto si planea explorar

Best Chocolates From Poland

Whether you are traveling for holidays or going on a business trip, there is always one question that you get asked when returning home: What

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Me llamo Karolina, nací y crecí en Polonia. Me encanta mi tierra natal. Aunque he estado en más de 50 países del mundo, ¡nunca he dudado en hacer de Polonia mi base!

Mi misión es mostrarle la belleza de Polonia y ayudarle a planificar su viaje.

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