En lokal guide til Malbork slott

Have you ever wondered why Malbork Castle is mentioned in almost every guide and article about the best places to visit in Poland? The answer is simple- Malbork Castle is the largest in the world (measured by land area). It’s also a UNESCO site and a place so rich in history and legends that it’s a site that cannot be missed during your trip to Poland!

In this article, I will share with you tips for visiting Malbork Castle and how to get the most out of your tour. Watch my video from Malbork to actually see what you can expect.

Guide to Malbork Castle

Your visit to the Malbork castle will start at the ticket office. I recommend buying tickets online as you won’t have to wait in line. You can do it her. It’s possible to buy combined tickets for 3 castles (Malbork, and 2 nearby castles in Sztum and Kwidzyn).

We chose this option and I wouldn’t do it again. The two other castles weren’t that impressive, I felt that visiting Malbork was enough.

At the ticket office, you need to pick up audioguide. You can choose the standard or family route. Since we were traveling with our 2 kids (aged 3,5 and 6 during that time), we chose the second option.

It was great! Our kids were so interested in listening to audioguide!

Tip: One audioguide is for a parent and a kid. You will have 2 headphones connected to one audioguide. Unfortunately, the headphones are not comfortable for kids (they are too big!). We went back to the car to take the kids’ headphones they use with their tablets. I recommend bringing kids’ headphones if your children are less than 10 years old.

Each audioguide has a built-in GPS so it starts playing automatically when you are in the right place. The small screen on the audioguide will show you the route so you will be guided step by step.

You can also hire a human guide in the following languages: Polish, English, Chinese, Czech, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Swedish, Ukrainian and Italian.

It takes about 3-4 hours to see everything inside the Malbork castle complex.

Tips For Visiting Malbork Castle

Bring Some Snacks & Drinks

To my surprise, there was no shop or snack bar inside the Malbork castle. There’s only a restaurant available but the food is not so good.

Take Comfortable Shoes

The roads and pathways in the castle are old and bumpy, so make sure to wear comfy shoes.

Book A Tour Online

If you don’t have a car, you can book your tour online! You can do it by clicking on the widget below:


Frequently Asked Questions About Malbork Castle

Where Is Malbork Castle?

The castle in Malbork is located in Pomeranian Voivodeship in Northern Poland, less than 1 hour drive from Gda?sk.

The distance from other byer i Polen is:

  • 3t 45min kjøretur fra Warszawa
  • 6 timers kjøretur fra Kraków
  • 3h 15min drive from Pozna?
  • 3h 30min drive from ?ód?
  • 5h 20min from Szczecin
  • 5h drive from Katowice

How Much Is Malbork Castle Worth?

The castle was sold in 1457 for 190 thousand florins (660 kg of gold). Today’s worth of the castle would be almost 50 million dollars (US$ 49,177,260)!

Of course the castle cannot be sold, it’s priceless, as it’s one of the top historical sites in Poland.

What Is The Square Feet Of Malbork Castle?

It’s 1,539,239 sq ft (143,000 square metres).

Is Malbork Castle Worth Visiting?

Yes! It’s a UNESCO site for a reason. The castle is impressive inside and out.

Can You Visit The Malbork Castle At Night?

Yes! There’s a night tour available from March to December. Read more about it her.

Is Malbork Castle Stroller-Friendly?

Not really! If you are traveling with an infant or a toddler, it’s best to take a baby carrier instead of a stroller.

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