Яка національна тварина Польщі?

When you are asked about Polish national food, you say pierogi. Polish national drink ? vodka. National fruit – apple. Football player- Lewandowski… But what about the national animal of Poland? Have you heard of any? There are quite a few of them, actually, that Poles consider as their national. Let me take you through the Atlas of the ultimate national animals of Poland.

The Official National Animal Of Poland

White Tailed Eagle

The White Tailed Eagle (pol. Orze? Bielik) with a golden crown is the official symbol of Poland and a Polish national emblem.

The legend has it, that the Polish Prince, Lech, and his companionship stopped to rest under a big oak tree, and there was an eagle nest hidden in the tree’s branches. Prince Lech decided to settle there and build the first Polish settlement, later called Гнєзно.

The White Eagle with the Golden Crown has been a national Polish emblem from the beginning.

Popular National Animals Of Poland

White Stork ? A Harbinger Of Spring

White Stork resting in its nest with blue skies in the background

White Storks, our lovely White Storks, are the migratory birds.

They come to Poland in early spring, and stay until late summer to mate, and have their young once here. When the time of migration approaches, they gather into a stork assembly and congregate.

It is spectacular to watch, and not hard to spot in Polish rural areas in mid-серпень. The assembly lasts a few days, and suddenly they disappear. They travel to Africa for winter time, to come back again in March/ April.

A very interesting fact is, that they always come back to the same nest, they know exactly where their home is.

There are some beliefs, still vivid among Poles, that reflect the longstanding fascination with storks in Poland. Poles are always happy to see them coming back.

  • If the first stork you see in the spring is flying, it is believed to be a good sign and will bring luck throughout the coming year.
  • If the first stork you see is sitting (not flying), some people consider it a less favorable sign, suggesting difficulties in the upcoming year.
  • Storks often nest on the roofs of houses and utility poles, which is seen as a good omen for the household

The European Bison – The Polish Pride

The European bison (pol. ?ubr), holds a special place in the national identity. It is not officially designated as the national animal of Poland, but it is considered a symbol of the wildlife in Poland. Poles have ?ubr for their national heritage and pride.

The European bison is a native animal in Poland and was very close to extinction. Thanks to conservation efforts and breeding programs, the population has increased. They live now in protected areas and national parks in Poland, Especially Bia?owie?a, one of the last parts of the primeval forest in Europe.

The European bison has deeply embedded itself in Polish culture, becoming a symbol of masculinity and ruggedness.

INTERESTING FACT, there is a beer brand on the market called ‘”?ubr”, along with the famous vodka “?ubrówka”.

Are There Any Bears In Poland?

Wild Brown Bear in the spring forest. European Brown Bear ( Ursus Arctos )

Yes, of course!

The Brown Bear, (pol. nied?wied? brunatny) is one of the native and iconic animals of Poland.

While it may not have official status as the national animal of Poland, it is a significant and celebrated part of the country’s wildlife.

The brown bear is the largest land animal in Poland, it lives in the Бещади і Tatra Mountains.

The bears are under conservation in Poland. They are a symbol of the country’s biodiversity and natural heritage. You can spot them sometimes, up in the Mountains, but usually, do not approach people.

Remember to never litter or leave any food behind while hiking up in the mountains, and NEVER feed wild animals. They will accustom humans’ presence with food and will start approaching sooner or later. And you do not want to find yourself face to face with a bear.

Are There Wolves In Poland?

Yes, there are wolves in Poland.

Wolves (pol. wilki) are a native and once-extinct species that now come back to Poland. If you are lucky, you can spot wolves in the natural surroundings. They live up in the mountain regions, and in places with dense forests, like Мазури. Poland is home to one of the largest wolf populations in Europe.

Wolves in Poland are a protected species. They generally avoid human settlements, their presence is an important aspect of Poland’s biodiversity, and their population is growing.

Lynx – The Prince Of Polish Forests

The Eurasian lynx (pl. Ry?) is a medium-sized wild cat, that lives in the wild. Lynx are characterized by tufted ears and short tails. They are a native animal to Poland, and they live in forested and mountainous areas.

Spotting a lynx in the wild can be quite challenging because they are famous for their discreet nature. They have strong skills at staying hidden, and their spotted fur provides them with excellent camouflage.

Interesting facts. Lynx walk long distances, even 50 km in one day. If, by any chance, you spot a Lynx in one place, and then another one in the neighboring area, it’s most possibly the same one.

The Moose ? The Not So Lousy Animal In Poland

The moose (pl. ?o?) is an iconic large mammal that lives in Poland.

These majestic creatures live in the wild in all parts of Poland. They are very big, and they have very impressive palmates in males.

Moose is a very friendly animal, it is not afraid to come near to people, and it is not a good thing for those animals. They often cross roads in the forest, and take part in accidents, often fatal for them. And on the other hand, a car after a crash with a moose is a total loss.

Interesting Facts: Moose is a very good jogger, it can run at the speed of 60 km/hour. But what’s fascinating, moose is a very good swimmer. It will swim even for two hours in one go.

кожен national animal of Poland holds a special place in Polish people’s hearts. There are many nonprofit organizations that work toward the protection of the species and do a great job, of keeping the populations safe.

When you visit Poland, keep your eyes open while in the wilds, you might be lucky and spot something amazing.

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Мене звати Кароліна, я народилася і виросла в Польщі. Я люблю свою батьківщину. Незважаючи на те, що я був у понад 50 країнах світу, я ніколи не вагався зробити Польщу своєю базою!

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